2o2o / 12 / 14
A blackhole is a region of spacetime where time itself can't escape.
Can a blackhole vacuum another one ? Let's find out.
Birth of this blog
2020 / 12 / _8
Welcome ! I created this blog to keep you guys up to date, and to tell you about all the new stuff. I think it's a good way to get closer and to understand each other better.
First, thanks for all your warm messages in the
Secondly, feel free to share your website with me, I'm more than eager to see other people's creations!
° . . .
2.2. / 12 / .1
... --- ... / - .... . ... . ... / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. ..- .-.. . ... / -.- . . .--. / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / -- -.-- / -- --- ..- ... . .-.-.- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . .-.-.- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / .- - - .-. .- -.-. - . -.. / -... -.-- / -- . .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / ..-. --- .-.. .-.. --- .-- .. -. --. / -- . .-.-.- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . / --. . - / .-. .. -.. . / --- ..-. / - .... . -- .-.-.-
2020 / 12 / _2
I really enjoyed these first two projects. I did my best and now I feel so comfortable here, in this 2D world. Everything is so perfect, so easy to understand in this dimension unfolding before me. But a curious intuition pushes me to look further and to push the limits of my perception.
What if I try to think outside the box ? It may be a one way trip.
Welcome to the 3D world.
____ / __ / 23
After that, I wanted to create something more... alive ? Maybe too much alive. Something that can't stop growing. Something hungry for more energy and space. Something that inevitably seeps in. Always more eager to expand.
It's living in your computer.
It filtrates your mind.
A corrxption.
Secret Text
2020 / 11 / 2_
The first thing I wanted to do a mysterious website with lots of secret texts in it. Secrets requiring interactions to be discovered. It's why I started working on project about text showing up thank to the user's interactions.
I found a creepy book about suicide.
I wanted to recreate with the movement of the mouse, the movement of an explorer discovering an Inca ruin invaded by dust and by the jungle which rubs the wall to discover ancient Hieroglyphs.
Arriving at neocities.org
2020 / 11 / 18
____ /\___\ /\ \___\ \ \/ / / \/_/_/
こんにちは! プログラミングを学んでいる若い開発者です。 ずっとアーティストになりたいと思っていましたが、絵を描くのも歌を歌うのも絵を描くのも苦手です。 少しずつ夢を忘れてプログラマーになりました。芸術家であることとは全く違う しかし、数週間前に、アルゴリズムやコンピュータプログラムを使ってアートを作ることができることを発見しました! アートとプログラミングへの情熱をようやく両立させることができました。嬉しくて仕方がありません。作り始めたサイトはこちら:
Welcome to the internet .
The dicovery of a new world
2020 / 11 / 17
I can't stop thinking about this game. I know that I saw this video. I need to find it, whatever the time it will take. I decided to look over my whole Youtube history. Three years of watching about twenty videos every days.
I checked everything.
It took me hours.
But I succeeded !
I finally found the
video, and the
I also found one the
creator website.
Clear. Design. Simple. Intriguing.
Of course, I checked
An amazing world of
strange websites...
A corrupted memory
2020 / 11 / 16
Three years ago I was watching a strange video about a forgotten game. I was so fascinated by the concept behind this game that I became obsessed. But, for an unknown reason... I never tried to play it nor did researches about it. I just continued to think almost daily about this corrupted game just using my imagination. Maybe I was afraid to discover that this game wasn't as fascinating as I expected, maybe I wanted to protect myself from a heart breaking deception.
Three years pass. I'm still thinking about this game but... I forgot its name... My own memory is corrupted. I barely remember anything but a concept and a purple color.
I decide that it's time to finally play this game. I have to know.
The video is gone. I start looking for 'corrupted game' on google, youtube, everywhere: nothing.
Did this game even existed ? Maybe I just dreamed it...
[x] I still never played the game.